Chaos Magic: Demons On the Spiritual Path

I’ve spent a deal of time teaching and mentoring on angels and angelic presence (see Sensing Angelic Presence Part 1 and Part 2) but I’ve held off for a long time on teaching about demons. 

The reason for this is that I find very little value in plunging into an understanding of the ways of the enemy. The Scriptures show us that we are to flee, endure or resist the demonic, not argue with it. 

“Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” James 4:7 (NIV) 

“Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith…” 1 Peter 5:8-9 (NIV) 

"Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart." - 2 Timothy 2:22 (NIV)

I find the sensational videos and articles I see about demons both amusing and exhausting. Is anyone else tired of seeing content on “demonic assignments,” “territorial spirits,” “Jezebel in the church” and “kundalini deception?” 

I feel these efforts are misguided at best and completely insane at worst. Remember, we will always empower what we give our thought and attention to. Jesus said, “for where your heart is, there your treasure will be” (Luke 12:34, Matthew 6:21). Why give the enemy more power?

However, I do believe there is value in understanding certain spiritual laws. The difference is that these laws go beyond sensational speculation and ultimately find their basis in our reality. Understanding certain aspects of spiritual reality can be a very helpful tool for us on our journey into the fullness of Jesus Christ.  

The demonic realm plays a role in our spiritual growth. This is what I want to give some insight on today, from what I’ve learned from my own journey. I think it will help give you some context for understanding some hard seasons in your own walk with God. Maybe you’ve gone through a period with unusual or confusing spiritual circumstances but could never really find the words to describe what you went through.

I like to avoid superstition as much as possible and there is so much of it in regards to demons and the demonic realm. What I hope to do here is provide grounded illumination on the topic of demons. 

We tend to use demons as an excuse for our lack of self-control. I’ll always remember my father exclaiming that the “devil was attacking him” whenever he lost his patience with us before church on Sunday mornings. In my mentoring, I sometimes hear people tell me that their “demons won’t let them” do a certain thing (like praying or staying away from pornography). Perhaps this true but, more often then not, I notice that people rationalize their sin by blaming spiritual forces. The truth is we’re often just lazy and don’t want to do the spiritual work that is necessary to truly move forward. I’ve certainly been guilty of that myself.  

Before we continue, don’t forget to check out our books to learn more about inner Christianity, spiritual experience, and practical living in our modern age.

Let’s explore some truths about demonic forces. Rather than being sensational and speculative, these truths can find their expression in our actual experience. 

First and most importantly, demons have a role to play in God’s greater narrative. 

Remember, the devil is a fallen angel upon whom judgment has been passed by Christ (John 16:11). Therefore, evil is only still allowed for a purpose. This purpose is to serve our growth and healing.

Despite the reality of our union with Christ, forgiveness of sin, and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, all of us have to face battles with our inherited spiritual inclinations. Through these battles and temptations, we manifest the power of the divine image in mind, body, and spirit. 

Without resistance, there can be no progress. St. Anthony of the Desert (a notable ancient “expert” on demonic warfare) said, “without temptations, no one can be saved.” This is because temptations bring to awareness our darkness, so that the light of Christ can bring wisdom, healing and renewal. We can trust that we will always have the guidance and empowerment that is needed (Romans 8:37-39, 1 Corinthians 10:13).

Secondly, demons influence our reality through chaos - in mind, body, and spirit. 

The title of this teaching is “chaos magic.” This is a creative way to describe how demonic energy or forces can manifest from the spiritual realm into our reality to influence events. 

At the heart of the demonic realm and demonic influence is chaos. Chaos is characterized by darkness, confusion disorder, anxiety, fear, lust, depression and a general disregard for the peace and order of God.

When we begin to move forward spiritually, certain spiritual forces mobilize to oppose our forward progress, in accordance with spiritual law. These forces attempt to halt our progress by oppressing our minds, bodies, and spirit. Practically, this can look like invasive tormenting thoughts, the stirring up of physical lusts, sudden ailments, fear and anxiety, depressed moods and feelings, other mental health issues, or the manifestation of unusual circumstances

For instance, a man has fallen into a promiscuous lifestyle. Convicted, he begins to pray and read and his Bible again. He begins setting out to establish new patterns and things seem to be going well at first. However, it isn’t long before opposition appears. A former sexual partner sends an inviting text, his mind is filled with powerful lustful imaginations, he makes a new and unexpected connection with an alluring stranger, his social media becomes filled with provocative images and videos, etc. This is not mere concidence, all of this is the rising up of the demonic realm to oppose his progress in both his mind and experience. 

This leads us to our third point: demons only have as much power as we give them. 

This power is given over through what I consider “contracts” or “agreements.” When we indulge in a lifestyle or particular sins that violate God’s design, we partner with demons rather than Christ. We hand over our inherent spiritual nature and power to the demonic realm. We live in corruption.

Put bluntly - we make a deal with the devil. The terms of the agreement are that we receive access to momentary pleasure and gratification in exchange for the demonic control of our imagination and body. As we continue in sin, the terms of this “deal” become progressively deeper and more complex. We become entangled in our partnership with evil and it begins to feel “normal.” Our minds become instruments of the devil, constantly attempting to rationalize our evil behavior.

Later, we try to leave certain sinful patterns and wonder why we are having the most difficult time. Contracts have been written and spiritual law is spiritual law. What we reap, we must sow (Galatians 6:7). Debts must be paid. To be delivered, the mind, body, and spirit must once again be renewed with the Spirit of Truth.

Luckily for us, Christ is an empowering advocate on our behalf who will dissolve these contract for us… if we continue to pray and make efforts to move forward (Exodus 14:14). Again, the key is to resist and stand strong. 

After a period, the power of temptation lessens, and we move forward into new and exciting spiritual frontiers. Not only do we feel pure, but we are stronger for having gone through the demonic opposition. It really is a wonderful feeling but it comes at a cost. 

It’s worth mentioning that sometimes demonic influence can seem to come upon us rather spontaneously - “out of nowhere.” This is much more likely to happen to those who are pure - those who have already made a great deal of forward progress by passing beyond the basics of the Christian faith.

These particular temptations usually have a purpose beyond mere opposition - they are tests authorized by God. These types of temptations occur to prepare a man or woman for a particular calling or gifting.

“Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.” James 1:12 (NIV)

These trials can last longer and be more difficult, but the spiritual rewards are exponential. I share the details about my personal testing in my first book, the Mind of Christ.

We can’t be surprised by the manifestation of strange or unusual circumstances in both our minds and practical experience.

“Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his [presence is manifested].” 2 Peter 1:12-13 (NIV)

Lastly, there is one more sobering truth. This is that, in our human experience, there will always be the potential of temptation. St. Anthony also said, “a man can expect temptations until his dying day.” This is because we are forever being conformed into the glory and image of Jesus Christ - in mind, body, and spirit (2 Corinthians 3:18) - and temptations play a role in that process.  

As we go higher into God, temptations become more subtle, personal, and complex. The depth of revelation we are able to experience is often counteracted by “counter-revelation” - temptations or torments attempting to block the inflow of God’s presence into our lives. I have personally experienced that God will always give us what we need, whether that be spiritual empowerment or seasons of rest and refreshment. Having more of God makes it worth it all.

I hope that this teaching will give you some context to understand what you may be going through and that you may be encouraged. Freedom is just around the corner. Resist the devil. Pray and trust for God’s help. Soon, you will find yourself on incredible new spiritual frontiers, standing alongside other commanders in Christ’s army.


Antichrist: Understanding Lawlessness