Michael Reinemann Michael Reinemann


+ Intellectual obedience to written rules and regulations does not save us. God is not interested in getting us to think in one particular way. Rather, we are anointed to experience God in powerful, individualized ways, in order to contribute to the larger whole. This is where inner Christianity, or a direct experience of God, becomes so important and crucial. We often hear, “it’s not religion it's relationship,” but, as we will soon see, this isn’t quite true - it’s actually both.

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Michael Reinemann Michael Reinemann


+ The destiny of God’s adopted sons and daughters is to follow Christ into the fullness of His victory over the forces of sin and death. This is what is meant throughout the Scriptures by the glorification of mankind. Glorification is not the exaltation of man above God so that we may become our own “gods,” but the manifestation of the divine life and power of Christ through the human condition. God’s goal is new humans whose earthly weakness gives way for God’s power and strength. God must become all in all - in mind, body, and spirit. A new heaven and a new earth are in the process of becoming.

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Michael Reinemann Michael Reinemann

Suffering (II)

+ We gain victory in suffering by submitting to the Lord’s process within us and taking active steps to develop spiritually. If we do not move forward, we will die. The realities of the old creation order (sin, death, evil and decay) will overwhelm and kill us. It becomes a joy to suffer for Christ only if we know that His glory will be revealed in us and through us.

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Michael Reinemann Michael Reinemann

Suffering (I)

+ Suffering prepares us for a “better resurrection.” As we participate in the sufferings of Christ, not only is the world invited to repentance from the reality of our loving act, but our spirits also gain a greater ability to bear the Lord’s presence, power, and glory. It is our eternal spirit that will inhabit a glorified body on the Last Day, the time of the resurrection, when unity has been achieved between all things on heaven and on earth. During our time on earth, we “work out” the dimensions of our future glorified body through trials and ordeals.

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Michael Reinemann Michael Reinemann

Truth 2.0

+ God invites us, His prophets, to meet with Him on the mountain. In this place of contact, He invites us to co-labor with Him in the creation of heavenly solutions that will present life, purpose, and meeting to the masses. God’s heart is not that we just hear what He has to say to us, but that we take responsibility for earth’s problems and craft solutions in partnership with His Spirit. This is symbolized by Moses’ writing on the tablets during his second experience on the mountain. God invites Moses to write on the tablets.

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