Michael Reinemann Michael Reinemann

Other Religions

+ The scriptures cannot be clear enough on this fact: Jesus Christ did not come in the flesh to create a new, “more true” religion than all the others. He came to illuminate and embody the purpose of all true religion: mankind’s reunification with God. This message, this Word, used the nation of Israel’s history and religious system as a platform, but God’s end goal was always salvation (reconciliation, restoration, renewal) for the entire world. The lamb of God was slain before time ever began.

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Michael Reinemann Michael Reinemann

The Last Days

+The “last days” of the Scriptures are about the end of an age - the age of the old creation that is already passing away. These last days are characterized by godlessness, but also divine empowerment that brings the life and power of God to earth. The last days are about a shaking, a violent spiritual upheaval that removes impurity and wickedness from humanity. This shaking will continue until the kingdom of God is made fully manifest in and through a re-created humanity.

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